Safety systems of manufactured reactors

III+ generation

An unrivaled reactor with III+ generation safety system was launched, for the first time, at the Novovoronezh NPP in 2017


Gravity- and convection-type systems ensure safety without operator intervention and power supply


Redundant emergency systems provide double protection

Environmental compatibility

Multiple cooling circuits prevent leaks even in case of severe accidents

Core safety factor

Emergency systems ensuring safety without power supply and human intervention.
Developed on the basis of 50 years of experience and key achievements of the Soviet and Russian nuclear power industry.
Instant stop
Rapid termination of a chain reaction using one of two redundant systems.
Autonomous cooling
Prevention of reactor overheating without power supply and human intervention.
72 h time reserve
Reactor plant resistance to fatal losses in unmanned conditions

Emergency protection system

0 sec
1 sec
10 sec
20 sec
2 min
1,5 h
3 h
8 h
24 h

Severe accident core catcher

A core catcher is an optional component of the nuclear reactor containment, one of the passive nuclear safety systems. This structure is designed for confinement of the reactor molten core. In case of severe accidents, it prevents melt release outside the containment.

The core catcher was developed by Russian nuclear scientists and is one of the most important safety systems for cases of beyond design basis accidents. The core catcher vessel weighs over 160 tons. For its installation, a special equipment is used including a super-heavy lifting crane.

Autonomous reator cooling during three days

Autonomous core cooling systems serve to replenish the reactor with coolant during cooldown after shutdown, when feed water stops flowing into the core according to the standard procedure. Turbo-pumps ensure circulation by driving the steam released in the reactor itself. The system operates at any pressure.

Physical safety systems

Successive barriers to an accident and leakage of radioactive substances into environment make a multilayer reactor protection. The barriers are duplicated, have alternatives and are isolated from each other.

1 m

thickness of external reinforced concrete wall

60 years

resistance to corrosion and radiation exposure

Protection from external influences such as:

  • earthquake of magnitude 8 points;
  • floods;
  • hurricanes and tornadoes with wind speeds up to 56 m/s;
  • fall of an aircraft weighing up to 5 t;
  • shock wave with a pressure of 30 kPa.

Active safety systems

The systems are driven by power sources. They are triggered when one of the reactor parameters reaches normal values. Among the parameters, there are temperature, pressure, coolant flow rate, level and rate of power increase.

The active safety systems begin their operation long before development of an accident and serve as a preventive measure. When the active systems may not be triggered, the passive systems start their operation.