Passive Core Flooding System Hydroaccumulators

Passive core flooding system (PCFS) hydroaccumulators are the most important components of the NPP safety system. They are designed for storing the boric acid water solution and for emergency flooding of the reactor core to remove its residual heat. They are also called second stage ECCS.

Operation of the PCFS hydroaccumulators significantly increases the NPP safety level, and their activation require neither human intervention nor power supply available .

General characteristics

The passive core flooding system hydroaccumulator is a thick-walled vessel designed to store the boric acid water solution. Each accumulator is assembled from shells and bottoms made of high quality stainless steel sheets. In the event of an accident and pressure drop in the primary circuit of the reactor plant, the solution is automatically supplied to the reactor to cool down the reactor core.

The system includes eight hydroaccumulators. As a result of timely removal of residual heat, the reactor plant switches to a safe mode of operation.

Life time
60 years
Design temperature
235 ℃
Operating temperature
20–60 ℃
Design pressure
3 MPa
Operating pressure
0.098 MPa
Operating media
Boric acid solution
Mass t
Diameter m
Height m
Internal volume
Housing wall thickness mm